Jump on over to Kate's blog to read a festive discription of our Princess's birthday and the rest of that weekend!! The Sacrament of Living
Friday, January 22, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Snowman and Package: Companion Stories by Kate
Over the holidays Kate wrote two stories for the writing blog she, Anna, and Pearl are a part of, and I promise you will enjoy them!

"Holding the package tightly in one arm, she slammed her door shut and hurried up to the shining glass doors. No address on her package yet. She was crazy to be doing this.
“Last minute gift, eh?” a voice said, and she looked up to see the young man who had been standing there dusting snow off his coat.
He was holding the door for her; and, as she moved through it, she said with a bright smile, “That’s right. I do hope they get it in time for Christmas day.”
As he followed her through the door, she noticed he was looking at the package. “No address, I know. I really don’t know who it’s for yet.” She grinned sheepishly.
He lifted one eyebrow but didn’t ask any more questions. She found herself strangely glad. This was getting awkward. How was she supposed to take her package up to the counter and tell the clerk that she wanted to send a package but she didn’t know where?"
Snowman is the companion to Package and is written from the perspective of a friendly, lonesome country mailman on Christmas Eve.
Just so y'all know, it is a very well written, captivating, humorous (we had the best country mailman, and he sounds a bit like Blake ;P), clever, and well worth reading!!! It's got a nice cozy feel that pulls you into the snow (so to speak) along side the gallant, bachelor of a mailman for God! Hop on over to her page on Noble Novels and read it!! It will encourage you and put a smile on your face that I promise will effect you perspective towards what God brings your way!
"He made his decision. Finishing off his coffee, he declared, "Minstrel, old girl. This snowman super hero on a Christmas mail mission for God is going in. You are going with him because it's too cold for you to stay that long in the truck."
Jumping out, he opened the door for her like a true gentleman and tucked the mail into the front of his overcoat. "It's going to be a long walk, but one of our New Year's resolutions was going to be more exercise. We'll survive.""
If you enjoyed these stories, you might also enjoy her other Christmas short stories on http://noblenovels.weebly.com/kate .
Autumn Rose and the Perfect Gift
Autumn Rose and the Perfect Gift Part 2
Smiles in Their Hearts
Friday, January 15, 2016
Brain Usage Skyrockets!!
Yup, besides being sick for nearly two weeks this is what we have been doing.
And pulling colossal amounts of weeds...
And the littles have been listening to recorded stories they received for Christmas and coloring pictures side by side.... (Aren't they cute??!!)
And recently, now that the weather has turned nice, there has been lots of book reading in the tree house together! (They're not just smiling about the chocolate they smuggled up with them...truly, they both absolutely LOVE books, sweaters, and cool weather! Well,okay... and combined with chocolate it's a girls' paradise!!)
Monday, January 11, 2016
Food, Family, Friends, and a Yard Sale
A quick recap of the month of November.
Thanksgiving at Aunt and Uncle's:
Which of course includes football. Watching football, that is. ;)
Yeah, you might just be a hick if you can't figure out how to use the whipped cream. :P
It was great to be able to spend our Thanksgiving meal with family after so many years.
We said goodbye to two very special families. On direction from God, our church sent out the M family as missionaries for the Lord to a tiny town in Mexico. It was a bitter-sweet goodbye.
Pastor M sharing a little with the congregation about the people there in Mexico and what his family's goals in reaching out to them are.
The father and three of his daughters singing a beautiful song together
Praying over them as we sent them off. We miss you, guys!!
The second hard goodbye was to our best friends from Oregon who visited down here for a month. We've known them for a very long time and highly enjoyed getting to hang out together again. So sad when their stay ended. :(
Ever since we were really young our families and personalities have just clicked, and we've built many priceless memories together.
...Including silly ones. :)
We walked to the park so the guys could play basketball like in the old days, and everyone else had fun playing, taking pictures together in the cool lighting, and catching up after so many months.
The girlies. :)
And of course you've got to take pictures of your toes with the awesome lighting!!
And of course, whenever these two are in the same vicinity (for more than two hours) a war always breaks out. Axis and Allies, a board game depicting the second world war between the world powers. Sadly, there wasn't the kind of time they needed to resolve their differences before we had to leave, but there's always another chance. :) :) :)
Can't wait to be with you goofy people again!!
We attended a super wonderful wedding of two longtime childhood friends!! Praise the Lord!
Yard Sale!!
Wow! Hold your breath everybody, and pray!!! :P
And that was our November! Looking forward to what God brings our way during 2016!
Just Plain Fun,
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