Jerry led Evangelism Training (South). We are going through The Way of the Master, and this week we watched session 2 ("Discovering Hell's Best Kept Secret"), a very convicting episode!
Praying for all the lost souls and asking for courage to bring them the Gospel.
Mrs. Y who usually leads the monthly Ladies' Bible Study (Living the Gospel in Relationships by Tara Barthel) was very sick so she asked Betsy to, and she did a GREAT job!
Some of the girls squished onto one couch under a fuzzy blanket as we watched the message in the chilly basement.
Jerry led Evangelism Training, North
Praise the Lord, it was so crowded we had to use a second room adjoining the first one!
Betsy and a friend have been hosting a girls' Bible Study every Friday on the topic of reclaiming beauty. They are doing a biblical study (using the webinar material by the Botkin sisters "Reclaiming Beauty") on what God says is beautiful and how we, as biblical women, should represent Him.
The girls each decorated their study guide notebooks...it took all day, but they enjoyed it immensely. :P
Our week was rather packed, but we thank the Lord for all these opportunities to reach out to the people God has put in our lives.