Praise the Lord the Ks' finally closed on a little home of their own! As sad as we are to see them go after living together for close to 6 months, we are soooo excited for them and look forward to seeing them in their new place! On Friday numerous friends came and offered their help and 15 passenger vans. The Ks' were soon moved and even partially unpacked! Here are some pictures from the work!
First we pulled everything of theirs out of the the backyard and packed up their bedroom.
Then we packed the van full for the first load.
Looking so grown up!
Entertaining the littles and keeping them out from under foot.
Little brother wants to see too! Love the tip-toes!
So cute! He was pretty thrilled to be able to see everything that was going on.
The first load all ready to go!
The crew.
Meanwhile all the peoples at home base were loading up a trailer. The first crew got back and refilled the empty van, joining the rest of the moving crew back at the new house.
With the dog and everything!

Some of the moving helpers.

The play room. :) Keeping the littles occupied.

Some of the moving helpers.

The play room. :) Keeping the littles occupied.
"Where does this go?" I love how the boy in the brown shirt looks like he is getting a ride. :P
King of the house. :)
Almost done unloading the van!
Everyone loved Perry's cool typewriter and of course they all had to try it out. :)
The awesome assembly crew had the boys' room put together in no time.
While the girls worked on unpacking the kitchen the boys teamed up on junk in the shed and got it cleaned out and ready to be used for storage.
Everything was done by 4:00, and we left soon after. Thanks to everyone for helping with the blitzkrieg!
Next we will continue the update with:
Catching Up Part 3: Late Night Ice Cream and Splash Pad Fun!
Make sure to look for it on the 29th!
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