This November some of the kids signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month-- when writers all around the world write 50,000 word novels in 30 days).
Emma made a 'Happy NaNoWriMo' sign for the first day of November, featuring many of the works-in-progress.
Betsy surprised the crazy authors with delicious snacks and what has been dubbed 'NaNo-tea'!
The writers set up desks and set to work.
Welcome to the deep, dark, writer's cave...enter at your own risk. ;)
Paul and Anna are doing the full-out NaNoWriMo and have been chipping away at their 50,000 word goal.
The younger girls signed up for the NaNo branch called 'Young Writers Program' where they can set their own word goals, and have been doing fantastically!
BB's novel is titled "The Candy Shop Kids' and is so adorable! We can't wait to read it!
Word counts for Day 1... you know you're too short when the camera has to be tilted to avoid cutting off your brother's head. ;)
A silly selfie with all but one of the writers, and their brainstorming buddy, Kate.
Working hard on that novel!
"Where there's a Willis there's a way!"
He DID IT!!!!
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