Monday, October 3, 2016

Camp 2016!

HBC Family Camp was September 17-19, and we drove up and back home each night for Friday and Saturday! Enjoy the adventure! ;) 

Getting ready!
Aimee made Cookies of the Century for a road snack! Kate made delicious pie too, but somehow we didn't get a picture of that. ;) 

Since we weren't official campers we brought our own meals. This is the makings for taco salad, which we picnicked with outside for Friday dinner. 

Jerry went to work, and the rest of us had a quick breakfast and continued camp preparations.
Around 12:30 everyone loaded up

We stopped to pick up the girls' new reading glasses!

  Look! Its green!!! 

Emma made a scavenger hunt game for the trip, and we listened to lots of classical music!

 Front seat

The whole, goofy van load. :) 

 Getting close to Prescott!

Paul helped string up lights at the Quiet Place for the night time sermons, and after dinner everyone headed there for a message.


The Quiet Place 

It was so 'cold' even in sweatshirts that Anna had to steal an adorable kid to squeeze. ;)

Pastor Huddleson spoke on loving one another. 

Then back to the cafeteria for games and music! This is a crazy, loud game called "Pit"... 

Aaaand the crazy, loud players. ;)

Matching girls!

Around 1:00 (you can chose if it was AM or PM ;P) we finally drove home, exhausted, happy, and talking 5mph. :D

We arrived just in time to jump in on the last couple of tug-of-war games, and then walk to the cafeteria for lunch! 

Then it was free time until dinner. Some played volleyball the whole time or sat by the sidelines and cheered the teams on, others played some frisbee, the little girls worked on a fort out by the 'L Tree' (it's a tree jutting out from the hill in the shape of an L) with their friends, and still others had a blast with little ones by the swing set.

A message by Mr. Hubler, and off to the fire-pit for s'mores!

To the cafeteria for games, singing, and burning our tongues on hot chocolate once more before saying goodbye and heading home!


 Two players and lots of advisers. ;)

 The music was great!

Singing praise to the Lord Almighty! 

Thanks so much for reading about our adventures! 

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