Monday, March 30, 2015

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Fellowship at Pastor Y's place.


 Chatting and waiting for the Frisbee to come their way

 Tickle, tickle!

 Frisbee craziness...

 Late into the night

The ladies' talk by Mrs. Y. The men held one on the back porch as well.

Snacks and fellowship afterwards

Church preparations and family hangout time.

Music practice for Sunday worship

Its nearly impossible to get a normal photo of this guy

His little car

A sweet gift from a friend after we had been admiring her rose bushes

BLTs with TONS of bacon!

 Our little musician

Awww! Poor sleepy boy!

Cleaning out the peanut butter jar. Don't know why.

Formatting baptismal certificates...

Like this one.

Cleaning so the house isn't such a wreck!

 Sweet little helper!

Ha! Caught them!

A wonderful message, worship (lead by Jerry), and fellowship.

 We all gathered around the piano and sang hymns

Thanks to those great sound guys!

 Waiting in line to bring their families communion

 Singing after communion

Then hours of fellowship!

The Virginia Reel with some of the little girls after cleanup

It was CRAZY fun!

Then a late night movie with the family...

And a take home meal of Panda Express. Somehow we ended up with a whole ton of fortune cookies. Weird.

Look for a post on Monday!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Kindle Formatting Classes

We are blessed to have our very own author, cover designer, internal layout editor, and Kindle format-er, and all in all an amazing gal, in our very own family! 

 So... this Wednesday we decided to take advantage of that fact by gathering in the living room for a class from Perry Elisabeth. 

And in high-style too, with a projector and everything!

We took pages of notes and still there is more to learn and more classes in the future!

Thanks a lot Perry!!!

Connect with Perry Elisabeth:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday Craziness/ Joshua 6

Sunday was great! Pastor Y. preached on Joshua 6. He continued the story of the "The Joshua Generation" that our very own lovely Pastor had preached on two Sundays ago. (He preached on the crossing of the Jordan and the memorial of the pillar of stones.
sermoninfo.asp?SID=38151739392) Everyone knows the story of Jericho, but he told it in a new amazing way, even applying it to modern life. 
And we got to yell during church! Someone brought a shofar (ram's horn), and we demonstrated the shout after it was blown. It was so cool!
After lunch we were led in communion and singing and the men of the church had a chance to share.
Next it was cleanup time and fellowship! Then we played an epic game of Ultimate Frisbee on the crowded little patch of green grass!
Exhausted and hot, we collapsed in the living room around 4:45 and burrowed into books, ignoring the prospect of dinner. Sunday was great!

You can listen Conquer the Unconquerable here:

Conquer the Unconquerable

I. God's Plan for Victory (Joshua 6:1-20)
    A. The Situation (1)
    B. The Interpretation (2)
    C. The Instruction (3-5)
    D. the people's response (6-16,20)
    E. Specific instructions (6:17-19)

II. God Grants Victory (Joshua 6:21-27)

III. Today's Application
     A. The situation
     B. The interpretation
     C. The instruction
     D. The people's response
     E. Specific instructions
     F. Final victory!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Random Stuff From Our Week

Conquering those nasty weeds!

His sweet little cheerleader

The faithful scholars

Our favorite college student

We have been loving our library! There are way to many books in the house!

A Hilarious Quote: 
"Behold, I have come to torture you! I have to clean out the fridge
so Josh Groban is going to do it with me."
Pie, glorious pie!

He studied his manual well, and got his driver's permit just like his Uncle!


Just like the old days!

You can just tell who won, can't you?

Muti-generational Foosball, passing it down through the ages! : )

Boys against girls

The victorious winner!

A Hilarious Quote:
“Proving God exists is not so hard, people! I just proved it with the click of a button! I searched “God”, and He is everywhere!!!!! He’s even on Facebook! And Wikipedia!!”


Swinging together!

Silly Missy!

Fun on the scooters!

Visiting the neighbor's horse over the fence

"Wow!!! Hi horsey!"

He loves his sand!

A Hilarious Quote:
"We're cool, we just forget it sometimes."
"Actually, put it this way: God has given us the gifts and opportunities
 to be very cool and do wonderful things for Him, but sometimes we forget."

Silly boy!

Pastor snacks: the fuel for those awesome sermons

Getting ready for the Men's Prayer Advance. Now that's nice camping!

Listen to our two favorite talks here:
Faithful to Your Wife

Faithful in Prayer

Of course you have to try it out

Apparently the camera flash is blinding in the dark!

The perfect babysitting bench, and he loved it!

And that was our week! Comment below with your week; we'd love to hear!
Check back on Monday for another post!