Monday, June 15, 2015

Death to a Pig

I know you are probably wondering what this could be about?! It's really a funny story. Years back we bought a pig. Not a real live, squealing pig. A cute, stuffed, pink pig. It sat upright on its little tail and its ears poked up vigilantly. And of course you've got to sew a plastic gold ring to its snout, and set it up on a shelf  next to the bathroom mirror!

"As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a lovely woman who lacks discretion."(Proverbs 11:22, NKJV)

As we've moved from house to house we've always carried her with us as a reminder. Then the dog found her. She grabbed its leg in her mouth and whipped it around, playing tug-o-war, and ripping viciously at its little curly tail. We all agreed it was hers to keep. Not long later, Aimee found a plastic eyeball, the pig gutted and in bits. And so passes the pig...righteously judged.

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